I have just read a blog by Jo Tyler entitled Why keep looking for the right way to do the wrong thing? In a nutshell as I understand it this blog is saying that the term ethical omnivore is an oxymoron (my words not the author's). Now I have pondered the question often - is it possible to be an ethical omnivore? So far I have not come up with a definitive answer, and there might not be one. The author of this blog suggests that it eases people's conscience, thereby allowing them to eat meat guilt-free. I am going to use the word humane from here on as I believe we can more readily talk about animal welfare in humane terms rather than in ethical terms - after all animal welfare is what this is all about. So at VITAL AWARENESS I push for humane slaughter and humane farming, not because it eases my conscience, but because I believe in our current climate it is the right thing to do - and I don't believe that I am trying to make a wrong thing right as suggested by Jo Tyler. I do not believe that we will get the folks in our current culture to stop eating meat - no way, no how! So as I see it if we are going to eat meat, then let's do it right. One definition of humane is to treat humans and animals with compassion - so the question becomes "can we raise and kill animals compassionately?" I believe so (I think!!!!).
[Check out our June Newsletter for the article "Why Veganism Isn't the Answer]