Myself and a fellow muncher had planned a pleasant soiree, just the two of us, to a frequented little haunt in my adoptive home town of Atlanta. The place in question was Krog Bar; the wine bar cum tapas restaurant of the Kevin Rathbun empire, and still to this day one of my favourite places to go to when visiting Atlanta. One of my 'go to' things to snack on at Krog- whilst sipping on one of their awesome wines-by-the-glass selection, which is both extensive and very reasonably priced- is the three cheese tasting plate, and this particular evening this was the name of the game! I believe we chose a Spanish sheep's milk, a blue and then an artisanal cheese neither of us had of before.
This cheese was a triple cream cheese that the knowledgeable and no nonsense waitress informed us was quite possibly the best cheese she had ever tasted. I was not convinced. Growing up in England and spending a large amount of time on continental Europe, I thought I had carte blanche ruling on what was a good cheese. However, I decided to humour the sweet girl and take her advice; dubious as to the validity of the accolade. Oh how the mighty do fall!
Our cheese arrived and we quickly dug into our usual favourites, almost forgetting the the non-descript creamy white mound perched at the corner of the plate. I was the first to 'give it a go' and after one bite, I was a goner! never have I wanted to embrace my server with the kind of ardour and sincere veneration that I did at this moment. This cheese was like nothing I had ever tasted. It was- and I don't use this wording lightly- like heaven in cream form! the buttery goodness just melted on the tongue. The mouth feel Divine. The taste impeccable. From that moment on, I knew that I could never again take food lightly, that food was a very serious business, one in which I intended to succeed. The absolute sumblimity of this cheese, transformed me. What you might ask could hold such power, such majesty . I shall tell you. The cheese in question: La Tur.
Ok so all joking aside, La Tur is a bloody good cheese. Meaning The Tower, after the town in Piemonte Italy from where it heralds, this triple cream soft-cheese is made from equal parts goats, sheep and cows milk. This blending of three milks accounts for the mushroomy bouquet and the incredible silkiness that the cheese offers: really it is like ice cream it is so smooth. However, this is not to say that the cheese is flat, or one dimensional; quite the opposite in fact. There is a supremely thin edible skin on the cheese that is subtly piquant, and tickles the tastes buds just so, before the full impact of the La Tur glides over your tongue. Like I was saying, this really is quite the 8th wonder!
I like my La Tur pretty much as is, but if you want to complement the mushroom with a more floral note, I would spread it liberally on crostini, (or even a slightly warmed piece of ciabatte) and drizzle very lightly with wild flower or raspberry honey- this accents the bouquet and perks up the creaminess to a whole new level.
So you see, La Tur is where it is at baby! If Parmigiana Reggiano is the undisputed king of Cheeses, then La Tur is the Kings sexy brother who you wouldn't take home to Mum, but you sure wouldn't kick out of bed in the morning. Which probably accounts to the delightful adoption into myself and my cohorts vernacular. Since my own introduction and my eagerness to share my new found love with my friends, every experience that goes above and beyond the awesome, the sheer fabulous, is now forever referred to as "a La Tur moment".
Good Eatin' Y'all! love THE EPICUREAN
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